Mood Boards are a great design tool to help you visualise the space you’re trying to create without having to spend a single cent! Have you ever imagined how you want a space to look and all the items you want in there, only to purchase them and realise they don’t actually work together? Well a mood board can help you with this! They can also be a great help when you are working with brands, designers, etc. so they can get an idea of what you want. Sometimes what we describe in words may not be the same thing that someone else visualises when they hear it, so ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ takes on a whole new meaning here!

Online Shopping in One Location

Now let’s be honest who doesn’t love a bit of online shopping? I mean it doesn’t get much better than shopping in your pyjamas right! But, how do you know everything you love actually compliments each other when you can’t see it? Mood Boards can help establish your colour palette, furniture, linen and decor items. Whilst it all starts out digital it gives the opportunity to see if the real life version is worth executing. And you can easily delete and replace items if you don’t like them without worrying about the return policy! 

Save Time and Money 

I’m going to be completely honest with you here, creating mood boards can become dangerously addictive. You can easily find yourself down a mood board rabbit hole, (it’s like the new Pinterest/Instagram) and resurface a few hours later having redesigned your whole house! However, the point I’m actually trying to make is when you focus on the particular space you are wanting to design you can save a huge amount of overall design and shopping time. Creating a board with the products you love and ones that you can see actually work together, will save you buying a dark grey throw blanket when it really should have been a white one, or blush canopy when you should have purchased lilac. See what I’m getting at?

Mood Board Creation Tools

I personally use an app called Morpholio. There is a free and a paid version. I just use the free one which allows you to save 6 designs saved within the app. I have no affiliation with them it is just what I like to use. Since writing this blog they have limited some of the capabilities of the free version. But it is still good to use. A few others I have seen recommended but haven’t used myself:


Pic Collage

Canva – I have used the free version for other items but yet to try it for mood boards

Don’t forget this is just a step in the design process and can never replace the advice and help a professional Interior Designer/Stylist can provide but it can definitely help you create that magical space you’re after!

Happy mood boarding!

Em x

Mood Board Products

House Bed: @thewoodhouseinteriors

Canopy: @spinkiebaby

Floral Decals: @blond.noir

Linen: @princesspandapantsco

Fairy Prints & Decals: @isla_dream_prints

Cases: @belleandcoliving

Star Cushions: @pepperminttreecreations

Beautiful Print: @sproutandsparrow

Fairy Gold Wings Art: @paper.lee

Wooden Play Gym: @nesterandcub

Crochet Rug: @gingerandpeargifts